LarrainVial Asset Management achieves the best classification in Standard & Poor´s "Asset Management Practices" with an AMP-1 (Very Strong) rating. LarrainVial thereby becomes the first asset management firm in Chile to receive an investment process classification from this agency.
The "AMP-1" (Very Strong) classification for third-party asset management practices assigned to LarrainVial Asset Management continues to reflect the strong competitive position of the administrator, as one of the largest managers of mutual funds and investments in Chile, its good mix of products and customers, experienced management team and clear corporate strategy.
LarrainVial Asset Management follows clear guidelines for building portfolios. The investment process is robust and has a well-defined investment philosophy for each of its strategies.
LarrainVial S.A. LarrainVial Chile. Isidora Goyenechea 2800, 15th Floor, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.
Tel.: +562 2339 8500Teléfono: +562 2339 8500
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