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  • 1998

    Administradora de Fondos Mutuos LarrainVial S.A. performs "Initiation of Activities" in 1998. During the same year, the fund manager launches the first fund, LarrainVial Ahorro a Plazo, a mutual fund, as an investment alternative to fixed bank deposits.

  • 1999

    In April 1999, the LarrainVial Mercado Monetario mutual fund is introduced, focusing on managing the excess liquidity of our clients.

  • 2000

    As a way to diversify clients' investments, LarrainVial Money Market Mutual Fund is launched, primarily investing in dollar-denominated debt instruments.

  • 2001

    The Investment Fund Manager position created, focused on institutional clients.

    The same year, with the aim of diversifying the mutual fund offerings, the LarrainVial Latinoamericano Mutual Fund is released, which is mainly composed of Latin American Stocks and Debt instruments.

  • 2002

    The LarrainVial Beagle Investment Fund is launched, and the LarrainVial Ahorro Estratégico Mutual Fund is introduced to clients, primarily investing in long-term Chilean Debt instruments. The LarrainVial Ahorro Central Mutual Fund is also launched as an alternative investment to a 1-year UF bank deposit.

    During the same year, a new series is created for each fund to make them eligible for Voluntary Pension Savings (Ahorro Previsional Voluntario).

  • 2003

    New investment alternatives are added to the existing offering: LarrainVial Portfolio Líder Mutual Fund, a balanced fund that combines different asset classes and currencies; LarrainVial Ahorro Capital Mutual Fund, an alternative investment to fixed-term bank deposits for 90 days; and LarrainVial Acciones Beneficios Fund, designed for companies and individuals who want to invest in Chilean Stocks listed on the Stock Exchange.

  • 2004

    LarrainVial Líder Dólar Mutual Fund is introduced, a balanced fund that invests in Chilean and International Fixed-Income and Equity dollar - denominated instruments.

  • 2005

    LarrainVial Enfoque and LarrainVial Protección Mutual Funds are created. The first one is an active fund that invests in Chilean Equities, while the second one is a conservative balanced fund that invests up to 20% in Equities and the rest in Fixed Income.

  • 2006

    A very innovative year with the launch of 5 new International Equity Funds: LarrainVial Estados Unidos, LarrainVial Inversión Mundial, LarrainVial Asia, LarrainVial BRIC, and LarrainVial Brasil. The last 2 stand out as the first of their kind to be launched in their respective markets.

  • 2007

    LarrainVial Asset Management receives the Salmon Award for the ninth consecutive year. The Salmon Awards are given to the most profitable funds in each category. In the same year, LarrainVial Enfoque Fund receives the first Sectorial Award from Diario Estrategia as the best Chilean Equity Fund.

  • 2008

    Two new funds are released, completing 25 mutual funds under management with a total of USD 1 billion in various assets under LarrainVial Asset Management administration.

    The Profitability Stars award, given by LVA Índices to the most profitable mutual funds adjusted for risk, was introduced. On that occasion, the Asset Manager received the highest score for 3 of its mutual funds.

  • 2009

    The LarrainVial Administradora General de Fondos and Consorcio Administradora General de Fondos subsidiaries are integrated, giving rise to the market´s largest non-bank asset management firm.

  • 2010

    The Standard & Poor's agency awards LarrainVial Asset Management a risk rating of AMP2, making it the first chilean asset manager to have an international risk rating.

    Additionally, the LarrainVial Megatendencias Mutual Fund launched, investing in the main global trends for the coming few years.

  • 2011

    LarrainVial Asset Management's fund offerings are restructured, redefining their series to target specifically each type of investor.

    The offering is expanded with a new fund, the LarrainVial Deuda Corporativa Chile Investment Fund, which primarily invests in investment-grade bonds of chilean companies.

    LarrainVial Administradora General de Fondos leads the creation of Sociedad de Inversión de Capital Variable (SICAV) called LarrainVial Asset Management SICAV, domiciled in Luxembourg.

  • 2012

    LarrainVial Asset Management SICAV launches 2 funds whose investments are managed by LarrainVial Administradora General de Fondos.

    In July, a new LarrainVial Monetario Mutual Fund, LarrainVial Disponible, is introduced. The main characteristic of this fund is its exposure to non-inflation, making it an excellent investment option during periods of low or negative inflation.

    Fund Pro recognizes the LarrainVial Líder Dólar Mutual Fund as the best Conservative Balanced Fund, while also receiving 2 Salmón Awards.

  • 2013

    LarrainVial Asset Management achieves the highest rating in "Asset Management Practices" from Standard & Poor's, with an increased rating of AMP-2 (Strong) received for the first time in 2010, to AMP-1 (Very Strong). LarrainVial becomes the first Asset Manager in Chile to receive an investment process rating from this organization.

    With the advice of EDM Asset Management, the LarrainVial Europa Mutual Fund is launched. This fund is offered at a time when investors have shown renewed confidence in the region's economy.

    The LarrainVial Mercados Emergentes Mutual Fund is awarded first place in the Emerging Markets Equity category by Morningstar. At the same time, 3 other funds are recognized with a Salmón Award.

  • 2014

    The LarrainVial Ahorro Nominal, LarrainVial Oportunidad Chile, and LarrainVial España Mutual Funds are released.

    A strategic alliance is formed with Falcom Capital focused on developing and enhancing new investment alternatives in Mexico.

    Standard & Poor's classifies LarrainVial Asset Management for the second consecutive year with the AMP-1 (Very Strong) rating.

  • 2015

    In June, the LarrainVial Beagle Investment Fund was liquidated, and the LarrainVial Chile Equity Investment Fund was launched.

    The LarrainVial Falcom Renta Fija Mexicana Fund is also launched in Chile and Luxembourg.

    The company's name is changed to LarrainVial Asset Management Administradora General de Fondos S.A.

  • 2016

    This year 11 different investment funds and 2 mutual funds are launched.

    Standard & Poor's classifies LarrainVial Asset Management for the third consecutive year with the AMP-1 (Very Strong) rating.

  • 2017

    Standard & Poor's classifies LarrainVial Asset Management with the AMP-1 (Very Strong) rating.

    Also 8 new funds are launched. Additionally, 8 mutual funds are merged, and the names of 3 investment funds are changed.

    S&P reaffirms LarrainVial Asset Management with the highest rating for the fifth consecutive

  • 2018

    This year 2 new funds are launched.

    In addition, the LarrainVial Quant Latam Mutual Fund is transformed into the LarrainVial Quant Latam Investment Fund. The LarrainVial Cordillera Investment Fund is renamed Latam Currency Debt.

    In November of the same year, 3 funds are merged.

    Lastly, the company adheres to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

  • 2019

    The following funds began operations in March: LarrainVial Argentina Equity Investment Fund and LarrainVial Rentas Residenciales Investment Fund.

    Additionally, in June the Desarrollo Inmobiliario II Investment Fund began operations.

    The following mutual funds also started operations: LarrainVial Acciones Brasil and Cuenta Activa Moderada Dólar, both mutual funds operate in USD from the United States.

  • 2020

    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, declared by the WHO as a "pandemic" on March 11, 8 new funds were launched to seek new opportunities and business alternatives. Among the main ones are the LarrainVial Deuda Latam Low Carbon ESG Investment Fund, the first fund in Chile that seeks to reduce carbon footprint; LarrainVial Deuda Privada USD Investment Fund; LarrainVial Health and Biotech Investment Fund; LarrainVial Emerging Markets Debt Investment Fund; and LarrainVial Droia Terapias Genéticas Investment Fund.

  • 2021

    The Sustainability Management was created with the objective of developing a corporate-level management strategy focused on environmental, social, and corporate governance factors.

    Despite the challenging global context, the Asset Manager managed to maintain its position as a market leader in Chile, both in mutual funds and investment funds.

    This year 11 new funds were launched, including the following: Desarrollo para Renta Residencial LarrainVial – Ingevec, Deuda Privada II, Cuenta Activa Defensiva USD y Cuenta Activa Agresiva USD, Multifamily US, Private Debt USD, Cuenta Activa Global Conservadora y Moderada, LarrainVial Emerging Markets Debt, LarrainVial Deuda China and LarrainVial Brown Advisory US Sustainable Growth.

    Additionally, the Asset Manager was recognized for the ninth consecutive year with the highest rating of "AMP-1" (very strong) by the international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P).

    LarrainVial Asset Managment grew by 10.2% in 2021 in fund management.

    In addition to the above, they were awarded 1st place in Financial Management in the Most Innovative Companies ranking conducted annually by ESE Business School in partnership with the newspaper El Mercurio and the consulting firm MIC Innovation.

  • 2022

    LarrainVial created the first education impact Investment Fund in Chile, called Impacto en Educación, aiming to improve education in vulnerable contexts by applying the Social Impact Bond model.

    In April, the LarrainVial Multifamily U.S. Fund began its operations, launched at the end of 2021, to invest in residential assets under a value-add strategy. In July, the Black Salmon U.S. Industrial Opportunity I Fund also started operations.

    Additionally, the LarrainVial Programa de Alternativos Investment Fund was launched, providing liquidity and a diversified portfolio of alternative instruments to its clients. The following digital funds were also launched: Elevé Ahorro Mutual Fund, Elevé Prudente Mutual Fund, Elevé Rendimiento Mutual Fund, Elevé Equilibrio Mutual Fund.

    Internationally, the department continued to expand its funds domiciled abroad, consolidating its offering on offshore platforms. In this regard, the year ended with 3 new funds added to the existing 4 funds.

    LarrainVial Asset Management was recognized for the tenth consecutive year by the international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) with the highest rating of "AMP-1" (very strong).

    The SICAV funds have adhered to Article 8 of the European Union Regulation 2019/2088, which means that these products promote environmental and social characteristics in the financial services sector in accordance with the article.


LarrainVial S.A. LarrainVial Chile. Isidora Goyenechea 2800, 15th Floor, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.
Tel.: +562 2339 8500Teléfono: +562 2339 8500

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